Working examples
For a secure power supply

Assembly and disassembly of transformers up to 500 KV

Oil regeneration and manhole entry

The insulating oil is one of the biggest weak points of the transformer, it has to be incorporated into a maintenance concept. Since the service life of insulating oils does not correspond to the service life of transformers, various measuring techniques are used to determine the condition of the oil so that measures can be taken in good time.
Clean insulating oil reliably extends the life expectancy of transformers by many more years. With conventional oil treatment or oil exchange, this is only successful for a short period of time and is very cost-intensive.
Recommended when the following parameters are exceeded:
Water content, breakdown voltage, turbidity, particle content, colour number, interfacial tension, neutralisation number, dielectric loss factor, sludge, corrosive sulphur.
- Oil condition can be restored to IEC 60296 and IEC 60422 level
- Extension of the remaining service life.

Crash protection on power transformers
According to the relevant regulations of the professional associations, personnel must be secured against falling.

Repair plant of the DB Munich